Hal Gold

Jednostka 731. Okrutne eksperymenty w japońskich laboratoriach wojskowych

Relacje świadków
Series: Mundus Pages: 256 Format: 15x23 cm Publication Year: 2015 Premiere date: 2015.03.26
Book description
Unit 731 Testimony

This is a riveting and disturbing account of the medical atrocities performed in and around Japan during WWII.

Some of the cruelest deeds of Japan's war in Asia did not occur on the battlefield, but in quiet, antiseptic medical wards in obscure parts of the continent. Far from front lines and prying eyes, Japanese doctors and their assistants subjected human guinea pigs to gruesome medical experiments.

Unit 731: Testimony
represents an essential addition to the growing body of literature on the still unfolding story of one of the most infamous "military" outfits in modern history. By showing how the ethics of normal men and women, and even an entire profession, can be warped by the fire of war, this important book offers a window on a time of human madness, in the hope that such days will never come again.

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