Robin George Andrews


Wybuchowe tajemnice Ziemi i innych planet
Series: #nauka Pages: 368 Format: 15x23 cm Publication Year: 2023 Premiere date: 2023.05.19
Book description
A lively and utterly fascinating guide to these geologic wonders, Super Volcanoes revels in the incomparable power of volcanic eruptions past and present, Earthbound and otherwise―and recounts the daring and sometimes death-defying careers of the scientists who study them. Science journalist and volcanologist Robin George Andrews explores how these eruptions reveal secrets about the worlds to which they belong, describing the stunning ways in which volcanoes can sculpt the sea, land, and sky, and even influence the machinery that makes or breaks the existence of life.


Robin George Andrews is an award-winning science journalist with a PhD in volcanology. His writing has appeared in the New York Times, Atlantic, National Geographic, Scientific American, Atlas Obscura, and other publications. He lives in London, England.

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